Let a Private Chef Cook Your Easter Feast!

Easter Feast

It is hard to believe that spring has nearly sprung and it will soon be time to color and hide Easter eggs. The good news is that COVID is nearly a thing of the past, so unlike the last two years, we can all gather without fear. This year, enjoy watching your children and grandchildren embrace the festivities instead of hanging out in the kitchen alone. Hire a private chef in Charleston, SC, like Savor, and let us do the slaving so you can sit back and relax! These are just five reasons to let us take care of your Easter feast.

It is Inexpensive!

Although people typically think that hiring a private chef in Charleston, SC is extremely expensive, it isn’t. When you compare it to buying your food and the time it takes to cook it, you probably come out about even. Having time with family and friends and enjoying holidays is well worth the additional cost – if there even is any. Sometimes you can be surprised by spending dollars to save pennies!

Beat the Crowds

Sure, it is nice to be able to go out to dinner and enjoy restaurant life again, but there is no substitute for family gatherings at home. Why fight crowds, worry about making reservations, and then have little ones sit when all they want to do is play with their Easter presents? If you hire a private chef to come to you, you get all of the benefits of a restaurant without any of the downsides of it! Let us bring an amazing meal to your home.

Get Crazy With Non-Traditional Goodness

Most people do the standard ham for Easter dinner, with scalloped potatoes and fixings. But this Easter, why not try something new? A private chef can take the ordinary Easter dinner and make it an extravaganza of new flavors for every palate.

Don’t Slave Over the Stove!

How many years have you been up at night stuffing Easter baskets, hiding eggs, and shopping for gifts and food? We’ve had quite a long couple of years – why not take a break for this one and allow yourself to sit back and relax? We know how much you love to cook up love for everyone, but our cooking comes with just as much love and you can spend time with your family instead of standing over a stove and oven!

Ready When You Want it

Sometimes the hardest part about Easter dinner is timing when people are coming and going. At Savor, we can get the timing just right by offering appetizers that can feed a crowd, while you wait for the crowd to arrive. This year, don’t worry about a thing or whether people will get fed – we will make sure that they do!

As we roll into spring, it is hard to believe that Easter is almost here again! This year, why not try something non-traditional and let someone else take care of the heavy lifting? That way, you can enjoy spending time with the family creating new memories that will last a lifetime. If you are ready to let someone else do the work for once, contact us today and schedule your catering for Easter dinner.

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